Amete Ghebremariam
Publisher: Falcon Printing Press
City: Asmara, Eritrea
Document Type: Book መጽሓá
Category: Autobiography áˆáŠ¥áˆ° ታሪኽ, Educational ትáˆáˆ…áˆá‰³á‹Š, Historical ታሪኻዊ, Modern ዘመናዊ, Political á–ሊቲካዊ
Date: Circa 2001
Date Details: 2001
Pagination: 224
Location: Edmonton, Canada
[view fulltext]
This is an autobiography written by Amete Ghebrehariat - an Eritrean Canadian who lives in Edmonton. Since its publication by a press in Asmara, the book has been sold in Eritrea, Europe, Canada, and the United States. It is currently being translated into English. The book relates the author's experiences growing up in the Asmara of the 1960s and 70s, a period of tremendous change, when the last Ethiopian emperor was deposed, and replaced with the military regime of the Dergue(led by Mengistu Haile-Mariam). The book also presents the author's escape from the oppressive and brutal conditions of 1970s Eritrea, and her life as a refugee in Sudan and Italy, and finally, her arrival in Canada. This book is infused with a deep religious sensibility, and one recurring image is that of the Orthodox Saint Amnyestatyos (ኣ�áˆáŠáˆµá‰³á‰µá‹®áˆµ), who is known for the miracle of taking his followers over water on his blanket. The title of the book, "Equality Through Work", was one of the popular slogans of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front, one of whose early influences was Marxism.
Comments: None [add]
Artifact record edited by Lwam Ghebrehariat at 2006-08-09 12:40:49
Publisher: Falcon Printing Press
City: Asmara, Eritrea
Document Type: Book መጽሓá
Category: Autobiography áˆáŠ¥áˆ° ታሪኽ, Educational ትáˆáˆ…áˆá‰³á‹Š, Historical ታሪኻዊ, Modern ዘመናዊ, Political á–ሊቲካዊ
Date: Circa 2001
Date Details: 2001
Pagination: 224
Location: Edmonton, Canada
[view fulltext]
This is an autobiography written by Amete Ghebrehariat - an Eritrean Canadian who lives in Edmonton. Since its publication by a press in Asmara, the book has been sold in Eritrea, Europe, Canada, and the United States. It is currently being translated into English. The book relates the author's experiences growing up in the Asmara of the 1960s and 70s, a period of tremendous change, when the last Ethiopian emperor was deposed, and replaced with the military regime of the Dergue(led by Mengistu Haile-Mariam). The book also presents the author's escape from the oppressive and brutal conditions of 1970s Eritrea, and her life as a refugee in Sudan and Italy, and finally, her arrival in Canada. This book is infused with a deep religious sensibility, and one recurring image is that of the Orthodox Saint Amnyestatyos (ኣ�áˆáŠáˆµá‰³á‰µá‹®áˆµ), who is known for the miracle of taking his followers over water on his blanket. The title of the book, "Equality Through Work", was one of the popular slogans of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front, one of whose early influences was Marxism.
Comments: None [add]
Artifact record edited by Lwam Ghebrehariat at 2006-08-09 12:40:49