Animal Farm -- ሕáˆáˆ» እንስሳ
George Orwell -- ጆáˆáŒ… ኦáˆá‹ˆï¿½áˆ
George Orwell -- ጆáˆáŒ… ኦáˆá‹ˆï¿½áˆ
- Has 2 images.
- Has fulltext record.
- Has comments.
Kulu Halif, or The Laziest Man in the World -- ኩሉ ሓ�áˆá, እቲ ካብ �áƒï¿½áˆˆï¿½áˆ ሃካዠ�á‹áŠ¾ï¿½áŠ
- Has 1 image.
- 1 media file.
- Has fulltext record.
Riding the Whirlwind: An Ethiopian Story of Love and Revolution
Bereket Habte Selassie
Bereket Habte Selassie
- Has 6 images.
The Girl on the Tree
Recorded and Translated by Lwam Ghebrehariat
Recorded and Translated by Lwam Ghebrehariat
- Has 1 image.
- 1 media file.
- Has comments.
The Jealous Man
Recorded and Translated by Lwam Ghebrehariat
Recorded and Translated by Lwam Ghebrehariat
- Has 1 image.
- 1 media file.
- Has fulltext record.
The Stone Cutter and the Worm
Translated by Lwam Ghebrehariat
Translated by Lwam Ghebrehariat
- Has 1 image.
- 1 media file.
- Has fulltext record.
The Story of Aaron -- ናዠኣሮን ዛንታ
Translated by Lwam Ghebrehariat
Translated by Lwam Ghebrehariat
- Has 1 image.
- 1 media file.
- Has fulltext record.
Venizitay Negaday - The Merchant of Venice
William Shakespeare - Translated by Uqbamicael Habtemariam
William Shakespeare - Translated by Uqbamicael Habtemariam
- Has 7 images.
- Has fulltext record.
Artifacts 1 - 27 of 27 total.
Artifacts 1 - 27 of 27 total.
◊◊ = Artifact with recent comments
◊ = Artifact with comments