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Aiygidin Gimesh Isaac
Ancestral Tales Teklay Zeweldy
Animal Farm -- ሕáˆáˆ» እንስሳ George Orwell -- ጆáˆáŒ… ኦáˆá‹ˆï¿½áˆ
Beyond Pardon Charlotte M. Brahm, translated by Haile Bokure
Chain Tega-Afwerki Abreha
Heir Haile Bizen
Kibrom and Wachil
Kulu Halif, or The Laziest Man in the World -- ኩሉ ሓ�áˆá, እቲ ካብ �áƒï¿½áˆˆï¿½áˆ ሃካዠ�á‹áŠ¾ï¿½áŠ
Let's Learn Through Laughing Mesfun Ghebrehiuwet
Love: Is it Blind or Rational? Gimesh Isaac
Lover of Time, and Other Stories Mikyel Berhe
Misteer Gebregziabiher Gayim
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